
Simon is a chartered accountant with a master’s in business administration who has spent his whole career involved in the buying and selling of businesses.

He has been on both sides as an advisor and as a director of businesses including his own. He has owned and managed businesses over the last 25 years and sold them for over £60m. 

As a result of his practical experience he was able to complete his doctorate in SME strategy. The outcome was the design of a tried and tested practical pathway which enables SME’s to achieve short term profits whilst simultaneously creating long term value. It is the combination of these which maximises the value of any business undertaking a sales process. One of the key reasons Dexterity Partners was established is to use this proven practical approach to assist owners in realising the maximum value for their business.

Simon’s role in the process is to ensure that from the start to finish everything step of the process runs smoothly. He is particularly focused, using his extensive experience from running business, selling and buying them, on making sure the business is “fit to Sell” from the outset so that the process starts off in the best way possible.

This then carries across into him leading the negotiations of the Heads of Terms and then managing the final stages of the due diligence to completion. He is the main point of contact throughout the process and ensures that at each step of the process your objectives are being achieved.

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Contact our team at Dexterity Partners today for assistance with selling your business, let us help you sell your business.