Selling a Business

Selling a Business in the UK

Selling your business is mostly likely a once in a lifetime occurrence and is the cumulation of decades of hard work, which is why it is so important that you get it right. From deciding when it is the right time to sell to finding a buyer to finally legally completing the deal, it can be a complicated and difficult process.

At Dexterity Partners we aim to provide a complete end to end service, covering all aspects of the sale process to ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible and makes your life easier all whilst ensuring you get best deal for you and benefit from the countless time and effort you have put in over the years.

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Selling a Business in the UK

A 6 Step Pathway to selling your business

1 "Fit to Sell" and "Fit for the Future" Analysis

Analysis of your business to identify the value drivers to optimise the sale process and sale value. Our unique business health check also identifies any areas of the business which may discourage buyers and reduce the value of an offer. "Fit for the Future" analysis aims to highlight how your business success can be maintained. We look at it from a buyer's perspective, being more interested in the future than the past.

2 Buyer identification

Our approach is not to blanket email generic prospects lists but rather work with you to identify complementary as well as competitor businesses as potential buyers. This is supported by our buyer identification data analytics software to provide a refined list of potential buyers within an agreed criteria. This helps ensure confidentiality during the process.

3 Marketing

Our "Fit to Sell" pre marketing analysis supports our A.I.D.A. process (Attention, Information, Decision, Action). This methodology ensures maximum impact with prospective buyers by providing relevant information, highlighting the fit with the buyer's business and identifying future opportunities.

4 Bid qualification and negotiation

This stage is often overlooked by business sales agents in the rush to get an offer. We qualify the bidder to establish their capacity to fund and complete any transaction. We ensure a prepared key terms sheet accompanies any offer which is designed to identify any specific areas of potential misunderstanding or deal-breakers. By considering this early we reduce the possibility of any unnecessary costs, last-minute price negotiation or unexpected conditions.

5 Due Diligence Management

This is a critical stage in the sales process and which highlights to owners there is much more to a successful sale than the initial headline price. This is where the buyer starts to do its own detailed assessment of the business. We have our own in-house qualified accountants and solicitors who are experienced in due diligence issues. If this is not managed carefully it can result in the buyer making a revised lower offer. Our Fit to Sell and Fit for the Future analysis helps to reduce the probability of this occurring.

6 Legal completion

The legal completion via a sale and purchase agreement is often the most stressful period of the process. It is when lack of care and diligence in preparing to sell and bid qualification results in disagreement. Our process ensures the key issues are agreed early in the process. This is often referred to as "heads of terms". By identifying the issues at the bid qualification stage so last minute surprises can be avoided. From the commencement of the assignment we involve a law firm to identify issues early on to smooth the legal completion process.

Why Dexterity Partners?

1. One point of contact

2. All the advisory services needed brought together

3. Experience on both sides of the deal, buying and selling both as advisors and in our own businesses.

Why Dexterity Partners?

Get in touch

Contact our team at Dexterity Partners today for assistance with selling your business, let us help you sell your business.